The fortune cookies from our bakery are incredibly yummy and every single one of them carries something special inside just for you. Wisdom, advice, prophecy or just a positive message - our free fortune cookies have it all, and on top of that they come calorie-free!
What are you waiting for? Hurry up and crack open one, two or as many as you want while they're still warm by clicking the image below.

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All readings from this category:
- Crystal Ball Oracle
- Fortune Cookie
- Love Oracle
- Lucky Clover
- Magic 8 Ball
- Magic Love Ball
- Love Fortune Cookie
- Lover's Book Oracle
- Rose Petal Reading Oracle
- Yes or No Oracle
- Coffee Cup Reading
- Tea Leaves Reading
- Book Page Oracle
- I Ching Fortune Telling Oracle
- Candle Fortune Telling Oracle
- Wheel of Wisdom Oracle
- Domino Fortune Telling Oracle
- Three Dominoes Oracle