Capricorn (The Goat) Zodiac Profile


comprehensive, creative, conscientious


“I can!”

Element: Earth

Quality: Cardinal

House: Tenth

Gem stones: sapphire, malachite, onyx, lapis lazuli, tiger eye

Metal: Lead

Color: Black

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Matches with: Virgo

Read today’s horoscope for Capricorn


A Capricorn knows the true value of everything and doesn’t start futile endeavors. Years may go by one by another, but your refinement and charm seem to not wither at all – you become more and more attractive. Typically, representatives of the tenth zodiac sign have successful education and career, a solid home with strong family and excellent self-esteem. You try to make a good impression on everyone and in most cases you succeed. What very few people notice about you is your sensitive heart, hiding behind the strict expression on your face. You rarely express your feelings directly, rather you prefer to save them for yourself or reveal them with some kind of art. A very ambitious individual, you never forget what you want and always achieve it.

It may be quite difficult to talk to you sometimes, as you’re prone to melancholy and loneliness. The goats do everything with care, because of your strongly developed sense of responsibility and duty – people can count on you. Be careful not to get too attached to the past, as it may result in you unable to feel the joy of new and unexpected experiences. Your loyalty and perseverance common for all Capricorns make you a great employee, but you will always aim for a higher post, because success for you is more important than anything.


Positive: self-sufficiency, discipline, determination, perseverance, practicality, ambition, loyalty, purposefulness, depth, gravity.

Negative: uncompromising, conservative, suspiciousness, ruthlessness, lack of flexibility, materialism, coldness.


A Capricorn man is usually average in height, with either weak and skinny or very strong and heavy body. His face is looking sharp looking, with thin lips, open forehead and dark hair.

A female Capricorn is above average in height, with skinny and slender body. Her face is usually featuring very elegant lines, with hair – very dark or black.

Health and well-being

Capricorns usually have slow metabolism and poor digestion. They are prone to depression, hypochondria and irritability, digestive disorders (stomach ulcer, constipation), kidney and bile stones, rheumatism, gout, swelling, skin, dental problems, allergies, arthritis, asthma, cold and respiratory diseases, avitaminosis, anemia, neurosis, headache.

Recommendations: Maintain optimistic and cheerful mood with more humor. Avoid acidic and salty foods. Keep away from cold and moisture – dry and warm places are preferable. Eat reasonable and healthy foods. Take time for sport to exercise and entertainment.

Foods and nutrition

Plants: nuts in general – walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, coconut.

Aromas: forest flowers.

Diet: Vitamins from groups B, C, A, D, E. Calcium and Phosphorus. Celery, red beets, leafy vegetables, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes. Fruits, blackberries, elderberries, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pumpkins, black currants, bananas, plums, pears, blueberries, pomegranates, nuts. Cereals and their sprouts (barley, soy, rye, oats), honey.

Business, career, work

Areas: organization, planning, management, finance, architecture, construction, accounting.

Professions: directors, managers, executives, politicians, engineers, architects, administrators, accountants, editors, builders.

Distinguished (Famous) Libra

Joan of Arc, Charles Perrault, Edgar Allan Poe, Aleksey Tolstoy, Jack London, Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Louis Pasteur, Cicero, Mao Zedong, Richard Nixon, Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali

Read today’s horoscope for Capricorn