Our book of love has a little something for everyone! Love can bring up feelings from agony to ecstasy, make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. It can inspire you to accomplish some of your craziest and most amazing ideas.
One thing about love is that whether you've loved and won — or loved and lost, it's definitely worth it. Open a page of the Lover's Book and find out if your romance is written somewhere in it.

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All readings from this category:
- Crystal Ball Oracle
- Fortune Cookie
- Love Oracle
- Lucky Clover
- Magic 8 Ball
- Magic Love Ball
- Love Fortune Cookie
- Lover's Book Oracle
- Rose Petal Reading Oracle
- Yes or No Oracle
- Coffee Cup Reading
- Tea Leaves Reading
- Book Page Oracle
- I Ching Fortune Telling Oracle
- Candle Fortune Telling Oracle
- Wheel of Wisdom Oracle
- Domino Fortune Telling Oracle
- Three Dominoes Oracle