Mar 17, 2025 — The moment is very well suited for harmonious spiritual practices, explore depth of mind together, read books, share impressions – all this will allow you to get even closer with your beloved. The current celestial energy could indicate that as far as the future is concerned, there may be a source of tension present. Be cautious and do not hurry. Your success may be a reason for exchange of insults caused by the envy of a close person. The celestial configuration cordially inviting you to sit down and analyze your life from as many different perspectives as you can manage. It is not desirable to travel and, if necessary – be cautious. Put into effect the useful changes in your life. You have the opportunity to realize all your plans and ideas if you concentrate enough only on them. Be careful not to hurt someone and do not impose your opinion.
Compliment your horoscope with the Celtic Cross Tarot Reading