Mar 31, 2025 - Apr 06, 2025 — If you get the impression that someone will not take no for an answer, then you may need to resort to another method – maybe you have other potential love interests around you, so it may help to date a few of these, and get the person in question to understand that right now you are simply not available. Avoid contacts right now because of the tension with your closest circle friends. Only with patience you will be able to stabilize what has been achieved so far. Soon you may find yourself determined to make your feelings known. A long-held wish or desire, or a certain goal you have in mind really needs to break out and be free. If you can resist current temptations to be too forceful, be more considerate and analytical. The changes that could occur with current celestial configuration could be very profound. If you are planning an outing, it will be great fun. Try not to impose your opinions aggressively.
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