Aries Weekly Career Horoscope

Jan 20, 2025 - Jan 26, 2025 — Soon you may have an opportunity to conduct fruitful meetings with colleagues. If possible, it may be best to wait until you have cooled down a little before taking another step. Don’t let fear of failure overcome you during this period. During this period you will not be feeling in the greatest of moods, and could find it difficult to whip up any kind of enthusiasm for what is to come. You are certainly not able to make any promises without a lot of careful consideration and analysis. Planetary configuration brings a lot of good ideas and you may have some wonderful ideas for plans. Make sure your moods do not cause financial loss. Call your neighbors to look after your home if you plan a trip for a longer time. You are tempted to embark on changes just because you have accidentally been at the center of important events. Greed harms you.

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