Symbolizes – adaptation, balance, restraint, equanimity, harmony, coordination, ability, dexterity.
Traditionally, the tarot card Temperance represents a liquid that flows from one glass to another, while mixing and balancing, as a metaphor for the opposites and polarities that exist within and call for equilibrium, reconciliation and moderation. Incorporation and harmony between conflicting substances – rational and intuitive, artistic and practical.
Temperance speaks for the discovery that in a happy environment, when opposites are united, things become as though they’re one and everything falls into its natural place.
The card is associated with creativity and ingenuity. Creating high level art, an exalted, excited form of expression. It is a sign of important progress, for seeing things in their entirety and to be able to realize how all the pieces fit together.
Focus is on situations that reappear in life that you thought were buried in the past. The appearance of Temperance shows a need for modest life and time for careful management of matters. You may be stepping into a time of restoration, both spiritual and physical. It is necessary for you to allow full completion of the healing process.
Conflict is within. If it is not resolved inside, it never will. Two should become one – male and female, Yin and Yang, logical and illogical. We are unity of fire and water, life and death. This card communicates self-creation, new life, and mystical unification.
Temperance can be read in many ways. Perhaps you will come to a new friendship or love with a representative of another race or culture. You can patiently and harmoniously cooperate with others. You may be thinking about the prudence and extremes of behavior, including the sexual. You can now create a very harmonious combination from different parts. Moderation and wisdom are the key to success. You may need to reduce your drive, reconsider your position and be ready for compromise. Time will cure old wounds. There is a probability of temporary separation. A test may be coming, such as a medical examination or just an exam.