Symbolizes – vigor, wellness and health, generosity, inner strength, understanding, success, growth, abundance, celebration, triumph, magnificence, beauty, traveling, marriage and children.
The Sun tarot card is the happiest one. It is full of joy and optimism, opportunity, creativity, realization and satisfaction. It represents new experiences, love, serene relationships and friendship, bliss, light and warmth. It symbolizes the bright side of life – victory and pleasure.
Focus is on relationships and self-knowledge. The Sun shows that you are pleased with the position you’re in and at peace with yourself, that success and happiness will continue. This is a very positive card foretelling material happiness, satisfaction, achievement, and successful alliances.
Perhaps you have a achieved long-term goal, or you get approval and recognition for something you’ve done. You are vibrant, strong, energetic and enthusiastic, warm and generous in heart. It’s time to celebrate – sing, dance, make love, allow your creative energy to come out. This card brings eagerness, peace and a feeling of fulfillment. There is no failure with it. Your light will shine and illuminate the world around.
The Sun delivers inspiration, warmth and enthusiasm in our lives. Culmination and connection. Completeness and achievement. Contentment and acceptance. You feel in your place, in your strength, confident, realizing reality, finding the truth. You feel support in what you want to do. Clarification. Cloudless sky. Everything becomes brighter and more clear. A new day rises. Joy, happiness, friendship, successful union, stability. Good health and easy recovery from illness. Optimism, ambition.
This card show that it’s a great time for vacation, to experience new things. For meetings with new people, places and attending events. The Sun can literally represent to warm weather. A travel to a warmer climate is possible, to a sunny place or that your summer will be filled with important positive experiences.
Sun, sunbathing, rest. Summer romance. Fun, play and excitement. Reducing pain to art. Revival and rebirth. This card can also mean a baby or children, a surprising but awaited pregnancy. The Sun shows the birth of a new prospect. It speaks about momentum and triumph over certain circumstances.
The Sun tells you that you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. You are freed from doubts and fears. You have the energy and self-confidence to realize your dreams. A sense of success and happiness. A sign of liberation and peace within. You are pleased with your place in life. After the dream and the darkness of the obscure, you move into the light. It can indicate the revelation of something hidden or a need for clarification.